[2] ƒuƒŠƒp‚̃Xƒy[ƒX


nixon ŒƒˆÀ
gI certainly shouldnft think your sister would like it,h Lord Lambeth said, with even exaggerated gravity. But she couldnft induce him ? amused as he almost always was at the effect of giving her, as he called it, her head ? to join her in more formal reprobation of this repulsive custom, which he spoke of as a convenience she would destroy without offering a better in its place.
nixon ŒƒˆÀ http://www.bpsizumi.jp/blog/data/nixon1.php
ƒAƒoƒNƒ ³‹K•i
gShefs not of a countfs family, you know, the girl you call delightful!h Anna Andreyevna went on, deeply resenting my praise of the young princefs future fiancee. gWhy, Natasha would be a better match for him. Shefs a spirit-dealerfs daughter, while Natasha is a well-born girl of a good old family. Yesterday (I forgot to tell you) my old man opened his box-you know, the wrought-iron one; he sat opposite me the whole evening, sorting out our old family papers. And he sat so solemnly over it. I was knitting a stocking, and I didnft look at him; I was afraid to. When he saw I didnft say a word he got cross, and called me himself, and he spent the whole evening telling me about our pedigree. And do you know, it seems that the Ichmenyevs were noblemen in the days of Ivan the Terrible, and that my family, the Shumilovs, were well-known even in the days of Tsar Alexey Mihalovitch; wefve the documents to prove it, and itfs mentioned in Karamzinfs history too, so you see, my dear boy, wefre as good as other people on that side. As soon as my old man began talking to me I saw what was in his mind. It was clear he felt bitterly Natashafs being slighted. Itfs only through their wealth theyfre set above us. That robber, Pyotr Alexandrovitch, may well make a fuss about money; everyone knows hefs a cold-hearted, greedy soul. They say he joined the Jesuits in secret when he was in Warsaw. Is it true?h
ƒAƒoƒNƒ ³‹K•i http://mayaa.rusk.to/af1.php

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[Serene Bach 2.04R]