[2] スパコミです♪


クロエ 財布 公式
??And she was actually beginning to worry as to how to bring about this encounter, when Clyde, who chanced tobe in the vicinity on his way home from work, walked into the store where she was working. He was seeking fora date on the following Sunday. And to his intense delight, Hortense greeted him most cordially with a mostengaging smile and a wave of the hand. She was busy at the moment with a customer. She soon finished, however, and drawing near, and keeping one eye on her floor-walker who resented callers, exclaimed: "I was justthinking about you. You wasn't thinking about me, was you? Trade last." Then she added, sotto voce, "Don't actlike you are talking to me. I see our floorwalker over there."Arrested by the unusual sweetness in her voice, to say nothing of the warm smile with which she greeted him,Clyde was enlivened and heartened at once. "Was I thinking of you?" he returned gayly. "Do I ever think of anyone else? Say! Ratterer says I've got you on the brain.""Oh, him," replied Hortense, pouting spitefully and scornfully, for Ratterer, strangely enough, was one whom shedid not interest very much, and this she knew. "He thinks he's so smart," she added. "I know a lotta girls don'tlike him.""Oh, Tom's all right," pleaded Clyde, loyally. "That's just his way of talking. He likes you.""Oh, no, he don't, either," replied Hortense. "But I don't want to talk about him. Whatcha doin' around six o'clockto-night?""Oh, gee!" exclaimed Clyde disappointedly. "You don't mean to say you got to-night free, have you? Well, ain'tthat tough? I thought you were all dated up. I got to work!" He actually sighed, so depressed was he by thethought that she might be willing to spend the evening with him and he not able to avail himself of theopportunity, while Hortense, noting his intense disappointment, was pleased.
クロエ 財布 公式 http://www.skankin.info/blog/chloe2.php

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[Serene Bach 2.04R]